
VistaRay 7 Intraoral Sensor Size 1 and Size 2

Original price was: $4,707.00.Current price is: $2,707.00.

Fast Image Transfer with CMOS VistaRay 7’s modern CMOS technology ensures fast image transmission at high resolution. The new scintillator layer from Dürr Dental reduces the dispersion of light and concentrates it

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VistaRay 7 sensors – fast, easy and excellent x-ray images

VistaRay 7  Sensors come with The modern CMOS technology, guarantees the fast transmission of images at high resolution. The new scintillating stratum of Dürr Dental reduces light scattering and concentrates it, which has a positive effect on image quality.

The high level of detail even at low radiation levels. The depiction of the finest greyscale enables D1 caries lesions to be reliably detected. Thanks to the quick availability of images and high level of detail (e.g., the display of ISO 06 files), VistaRay 7 is a valuable complement to image plate technology in endodontics and when checking abutments.



  • High detail precision – Reliable diagnostics
  • Rapid image availability – Efficient workflow
  • Multi-user capability – Inexpensive and flexible
  • The optimum complement to the image plate in endodontics, implantology and dental conservation
  • Diagnosis support with special filters and versatile image processing (DBSWIN or VistaEasy)

Vistaray Available Size 1 and Size 2 with a direct USB connection and CMOS sensor technology.

The special CsJ-Scintillator ensures a high sensibility and resolution, which enables the recognition of D1 lesions and ISO 06 Endo instruments.

Delivery: VistaRay Sensor 7.1 and VistaRay 7 System Kit, DBSWIN/VistaSoft X-Ray module, VistaEasy/TWAIN and VistaConnet/TWAIN, Hygiene covers (200 pcs)

Reference Library

VistaRay Sensors BROCHURE